Love Charm For Ashley

Blurb: A lonely teacher casts her homemade love charm into the cold waters of Boston Harbor. She wants desperately to believe in her unique magic ingredient to win her a “forever after” love. The hot Special Forces soldier who appears is desperate for her....

Polo! Game of Kings

Recently, I attended my first polo match. It was so much fun! Who knew how thrilling it could be to watch a bunch of men chase after a little ball? Well, it was the horses that made it different, I have to say. Great care is taken in the rules to keep the horses safe....

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

 While I was driving my three kids through a winter blizzard to a ski race in Vermont, my traveling husband was dining at the Fort Lauderdale airport with a porn star. Ha! Got your attention? I want that line to be the start of a novel some day, but it happens to also...