Swimming with Dolphins

Is the dolphin “smile” the reason why humans have such an affinity for these amazing marine mammals? Or is it their friendly and playful personalities that make them so appealing? Dolphins are featured in human records all the way back to Greek mythology. One of the...

London in Pictures

London is one of the world’s great cities, with something for everyone. In honor of the Olympics, I’m sharing some pictures of London sights. If you’re a foodie, London might not be your first thought. But their food markets are wonderful. Fortnum...

London for Tourists

London has amazing historical sites that you shouldn’t miss. Here’s Westminster Abbey. My kids wanted to go inside because that’s where the marriage of Kate and William took place. Hubby and I had already been in, so we decided to walk over to the...

The Naked Male Tour of Austria

I did not go to Austria to view naked men. That was just a side benefit of my trip. We started our vacation in Vienna. The city provides a wealth of inspiration for a writer, with everything from richly decorated historical buildings to fabulous baroque art and even...

Bicycling in Amsterdam

  What is the most common mode of transportation in Amsterdam? If you looked at the picture, you know the answer. A bicycle. As a city reclaimed from the ocean, Amsterdam is totally flat. Therefore, bicycling is easy, and everyone does it. You will see chic...